HP Compaq 6730S AUDIO driver for Windows XP

Updated with text in English (Bulgarian text – below. На български – по-долу)

Since a lot of international user reach this page, here is a short summary. Had a lot of trouble with this audio driver. Downloaded it from some HP / Compaq support site, do not remember wich one was exactly, that is why I put a copy: sp39925.exe. All the other drivers on the official international support site are OK for this notebook model. Except for the Drivers – Audio section. IMPORTANT! FIRST install Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio, after that file mentioned above, which activates SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio.
Another problem resolved – upon installing Windows XP the laptop reboots with 0x00000000 error and some other digits, numbers and letters … Solution – in BIOS disable the ACHI capability of hard disk serial controller. Theoretically, this means that it’s running in comaptibility mode, slower, but I did not notice any delay.
Good news – SP3 has most of the remaining drivers correctly installed via Windows update.

Изяде ми нервите, докато го нацеля! Ето го – sp39925.exe. Свалих го от някакъв сайт за поддръжка на ЕйчПи / Компак, не помня от кой точно, затова и го качвам при мен. Иначе тук си ги има всички останали за тоя модел преносим компютър. Обаче в секцията Drivers – Audio единственото, което се слага, е Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio. Едва след това файла, дето споменах в началото, с който зазвучава SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio. (По някое време ми идваше да запсувам китайци, американци, HP, Compaq, Windows, Техномаркет или Технополис … сума ти време изгубих в проби и грешки).

Предисторията – лаптоп на дъщерята на колега, даунгрейд от виста към ЕксПи. Първо малко експерименти с dual boot и на двете операционни системи. Налгасих ги, но се оказа, че вистата е некадърно кракната и си искаше валиден код, съответно и беше разкарана от С устройството.
Малък проблем – още в началото на инсталацията на Windows XP се появява кофти грешка от сорта на 0x00000000 и някакви други цифри. Бързото решение, което аз приложих – от BIOS се изключва AHCI режима на сериал контролера към харда. Мързеше ме да търся коректните драйвери, че да се чудя как да ги качвам като кликам F6 още в началото. Така уж работел в compatibility mode, и не се били използвали пълните възможности, но аз не усетих забавяне. Хубавото е, че автоматичния уиндоус ъпдейт на това ЕксПи хвана повечето от останалия хардуер. Което не намери, си го има в сайта, линкнат по-горе.

Нататък рутинните неща по инсталацията на софтуера вървяха нормално, както съм ги описвал тук.

Packard Bell EasyNote MX52 Windows XP drivers

On the official international site there are only Windows Vista drivers for the model. Our neighbors bought it with pre-installed Opensuse. They did some stupid unrecoverable things, logged in as „root“. Good for them I was near to help. They wanted both Windows and Linux.

Opensuse had almost no problems with the hardware. After a short research the adequate repositories were added and everything was functioning smoothly.

But after Windows was installed and updated, 6 unrecognized items still remained in hardware manager. It took me hours to find them all – since every one of them had to be tested for compatibility. Some of them were not the correct ones, so the search went on, until there were no yellow questions marks in hardware.

Video: ATI Mobility Radeon Xpress 1200.

Audio: High Definition Audio (Azalea).

Connectivity: 4-in-1 Card Reader (Memory Stick / MS PRO / SD / MMC).

MODEM on HD audio (or something like that). Modem Driver (works for me, or try the newer Modem_Agere_new model_v.2175_XP.zip). Installation: Canceling hardware wizard; manually adding new hardware; modem; got my own disk; browse to unzipped folder for the „inf“ file. Most people probably won’t need a 56k modem in 21 century :).

Wi-Fi: AzureWave AW-GE780.

After all that it’s truly remarkable that the build-in webcam was recognized ;). However, here is the driver for Bison USB 2.0 webcam ALi5603D.

18.09.2008 update:

Found more useful info on a Spanish site: http://mx52.iespana.es/. The author says he used some drivers, same as MX67 model, and according to him they work for MX52 series too, but no guarantee. List: ATI Radeon Xpress 1200 video card drivers (no catalyst control center), ATI SMBus, Realtek High Definition Audio, Ricoh card reader, Realtek Lan, Atheros AR5007EG WiFi, AMD Turion 64×2 processors, Synaptics touchpad, Keyboard keys and functional (teclado y teclas funcionales), Bison USB 2.0 webcam ALi5603D. Also describes how to deal with the Windows XP (SP2 needed, I guess) hardware manager.

Another Spanish site, blog actually, with compressed (rar) drivers (Windows XP SP2) for Packard Bell EasyNote MX-52: http://kainita.no-ip.org/?page_id=821. She also suggest s program for the webcam called Debut Video Capture Software.

I am not so sure about both texts, but that’s the best I can understand using the google translator.

The Italian official Packard Bell support has some Windows XP tools – a LCT monitor test and Diagnostics for RAM, HDD & an ImageWriter.