System updates; General;
July 26th, 2007 | IMPORTANT: PHP4 End-Of-Life announced.The development team of PHP announced the End-Of-Life of PHP 4. There will be no more releases of PHP 4.4 after Dec 31, 2007. Critical security fixes will still be released on a case-by-case basis until August 08, 2008.
ICDSoft will continue supporting PHP 4 until possible, but we urge our customers to look for ways to make their PHP applications suitable to run on PHP 5. After the end of 2007, we may be forced to discontinue any support for PHP 4, in case of a discovered security vulnerability which may endanger the integrity of our hosting environment.
After Sep 10, 2007, we will start setting PHP5 as default PHP interpreter on our servers. This means that files ending with .php will be parsed by PHP5 by default. However, customers will still be able to set PHP4 as default interpreter, by using a directive in their .htaccess files.
The change will happen gradually on each of our servers and the exact date for each server will be announced later.
We advise our customers to take the necessary steps to make their PHP driven software completely suitable to run on PHP5. If the software is a third-party application, upgrading to the latest stable version should be enough, as developers of popular software (forums, blogs, CMSs) have already released versions, ready to run on PHP5.
Any questions about the migration to PHP5 can be directed to … etc.
Имам да пиша за толкова много неща, запазил съм пет или шест чернови, но първо архивирам базите преди миграцията към WordPress 2.2.1
За момента активирах един plug-in (други сега не са ми необходими); и всичко изглежда наред.
По случайност на следващия ден излезе WordPress 2.2.2 – само пет файла модифицирани …