How to disable uTorrent’s annoying „Featured torrent“ and Remote Access error message when trying to change any setting

In Options / preferences / advanced / offers.sponsored_torrent_offer_enable set the value to false. Restart utorrent.
They may change this in the future so use the filter search for similar word that would disable the add.

„Please enter a computer name“ error may appear when the default playback device is changed to something other than it’s built-in player. A dull but effective solution is to type something completely random in the text boxes, then later disable the remote access setting.

I still remember the times when uTorrent was a very small and lightning fast torrent software, a simple .exe file. The increasingly bloated commercial add-filled check-box cluttered crap steadily drives me to the point that I will switch to some other client.

One thought on “How to disable uTorrent’s annoying „Featured torrent“ and Remote Access error message when trying to change any setting

  1. работи идеално! благодаря !!!
    works great ! thanks !!!

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